At my last writing I was training for a marathon. Things were pretty good but I was experiencing pains that I didn't really want to talk about. As I continued on to a 20 mile run I started questioning whether I really needed to do a marathon. I realized that I was spending a lot of time and going through a lot of discomfort just to say that I ran 26.2 miles. Sure that sounds good. But in my heart of hearts I realized that I don't need to run a marathon to know who I am. I have done two half-marathons, a 17 mile trail race, a couple of 10 mile trail races and countless number of 5K and 10K races over the last 40 yrs+. That's really a lot of accomplishment for a guy who is pushing 67.
So my first reaction was to just stop running on roads at all. I felt like I needed to save my knee's and other parts and that not running on hard surfaces was the answer. So I haven't run on anything but a trail for the last couple of months. Have I missed the roads? Heck Ya!! So I have done a lot of thinking. I have prayed. I have talked to my wife. And I have come up with the new plan. I realized that the main issue has not been the running itself but more about the hard surface for extended periods. So my new plan is to start running on the road again but training runs no more than 5 miles and races no longer than 10K. I will continue to run trails and am not really going to place any distance restrictions. I have a 10 mile race coming up in May and I would really like to do another 25K at Montana de Oro.
Maybe by limiting my distance on the road I can work on speed and try to get my 5K and 10K race times down. In fact, my goal is to get my 10K under 60 min and my 5K under 27.