I ran 5 miles on Saturday, not a long distance for me. The run felt really good though it was a hot evening and I didn't run fast. I ran a loop from home which means I was on pavement the whole time, not my favorite thing to do at all. It is just takes such an extra time commitment to hit the trails which is what I really love. The problem is the next day my calves were really sore! Monday, Tuesday and they are still sore. It took until this afternoon to figure out why. I did this run in my Vibram's for the first time in months. I remember that when I first got them I experienced the same thing the first couple of times I ran in them. The way your feet move is so much different in these shoes than in the normal shoe which does everything it can to keep your foot from moving. It really is almost like running barefoot which I have also done. So when you first run in them all the muscles in your legs work differently and for me that means ending up with sore calves for a couple of days. I know that if I keep running in them the pain will be gone and it will be all pleasure. I have run as far as 10 miles in these shoes and I'm not sure why I ever put them away. I will definitely be using them regularly again. I am going to need to replace them soon though, they have 224 miles on them as of now