
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Now thats more like it!!

I did an intermediate length run, 6.2 miles in under 11 min pace. I know that doesn't sound fast to some of you, but for this guy it is just fine thank you very much. I still want to keep working at it so that I can get my 10K under 1 hour, but that will require a sub-10 min pace. It helped that it was about 10° cooler than what I had been running in, so maybe once fall gets here for good I will be able to start doing some faster times. This run was completely flat, a loop run from my house. It was pretty close to dark by the time I returned. I was just getting to the final turn for the one-block finishing kick to my house when a couple of dogs decided to come over and play. No barking, no aggressiveness, they just ran back and forth in front of me abd bumped into me more than once. I was trying to keep them from tripping me up. Given my proclivity for falling it wouldn't have taken much more. On a different note I am leaning towards going for a marathon. I will have to concentrate mostly on my running but I really think I want to do this. My longest run of late is about 11 miles, so I have a ways to go.

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