I don't need to lose a lot of weight. So I really don't need a diet. I am a lifetime member of WeightWatchers and that approach worked well for me in that it helped me lose about 25 lbs to get to where I am now. I am comfortable with my weight where it is but at 66 it is important that I guard my health carefully which includes continuing to monitor my weight.
I have been doing a lot of reading recently about "The Paleo Diet" The paleo diet is based on what our ancestor's ate during the Paleolithic era of about 2.5 million years which ended about 10,000 years ago with the development of agriculture. It is felt by many that if we would eat like this today we would not have the obesity problem that we have and would have a much healthier life, with less incidence of things such as diabetes, certain cancers, high blood pressure, heart disease etc. This certainly get's my attention!
My step-daughter Jennifer has been on a strict paleo eating plan for about a month and already is feeling better, as well as dropping 20 lbs thus far! Impressive. So I am seriously considering moving to this nutrition lifestyle myself.
I have already make a couple of big steps by eliminating candy and soda pop from my diet. I have a long way to go though to totally paleo. I would have to give up bread. One thing I totally love to eat are the Torta sandwich rolls from Costco. Gone. Also gone would be oatmeal, cheese, milk, processed meats, t.v. dinners, sugar in most forms, salt (except sea salt) and on it goes. After a month, Jennifer says she has mostly lost cravings for the things she used to take for granted.
So, Subway is out, grilled Adelle sausage on a torta roll is out, taco's at Taco Bell, Chipotle rice and bean bowls, KFC, Long John Silver - gone.
I still think it is worth doing. Maybe I can lower my cholesterol and get off the pill. Maybe I can get rid of the chronic heartburn which occurs even though I am taking medication. I am going to give it a fair chance. Stay tune for part 2