So what do we do. First of all we have to eat better. We should be aware of everything that goes into our mouth and what affect it will have on our health. The American diet is so full of processed, over salted, over sugared food that it is no wonder we have such a problem with obesity. Look around you when you go out of the house. What percentage of the people that you see are obviously over weight. Many are not only over weight, they are obese. There are a lot of diets out there that people try. They go from one to the other with no long lasting results. Low carb, high protein, low fat, count calories, eat lots of cabbage etc. etc. A diet will never work. What works is a lifestyle change. You have to know what foods you should eat and what you should avoid.
So the next few posts will address some of these food issues. I will be starting with myself. I will not attempt to tell you anything that you should do that I haven't already tackled myself. Stay tune.
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